From Pastor Walker’s Desk

 I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. (Isaiah 43:19)


“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)



Did you know that St. Paul’s 180th Anniversary is this year? Yes, 180 years of mission and ministry!

As we celebrate our 180th Anniversary, I hold these two texts close; after 180 years Isaiah tells us that God still dares to, has the power to and promises to, make all things new. Jeremiah reminds us that the plans God has for us are for hope and a future. I will be clinging to these promises of God as we move forward.

I have written elsewhere that our theme for this 180th Anniversary Year is “Sustained by God, we sustain the community of St. Paul’s.” How should we celebrate and focus on God’s sustenance? Here are three things that I wish for St. Paul in this momentous year:

1. Stewardship, especially financial giving, will become something we speak openly and honestly about. My hope is that we might move toward pledge cards and the intention of members to give to truly build our budget.

2. St. Paul’s will take on additional ministry opportunities:

a. Sunday morning breakfast ministry

b. visiting of local nursing homes

c. outreach to the community

3. Members will participate more fully in the life of the church, serving their church by engaging in:

a. altar guild

b. food pantry

c. breakfast program

d. Sunday School

e. adult education

f. Prime Time

g. Assisting at worship

As we celebrate this 180th Anniversary Year, please prayerfully consider how you to may hold on to God’s promise as God walks us through our wildernesses and provides rivers in the desert. God does not do this by magic; this happens through us the people of God-the body of Christ in this place. Come watch, participate and rejoice as God makes all things new at St. Paul’s.


Pastor Andrea